Why support
De La Salle Academy?
Your support of De La Salle Academy is an investment in the leaders of tomorrow. A De La Salle education not only benefits the individual student but their family and society as a whole. To maintain our commitment to a world-class education and a need-blind admissions policy (to ensure that no child, once accepted, is prevented from receiving a DLSA education due to financial constraints), the School depends on the generosity of our community.
Each fall, we launch the Annual Fund, an appeal for contributions that supplement the School’s yearly operating budget (including tuition, annual retreats, programmatic updates, technology upgrades, and so much more). Nearly ninety percent of the annual operating budget must be raised each year. We welcome your participation and invite gifts to general operating funds or directed towards specific initiatives. Gifts to the School directly benefit the current fiscal year.
De La Salle Academy is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
How to
Make a Gift
DLSA fiscal year follows the academic calendar and begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following calendar year. To explore planned giving or endowment support, please contact Severn Taylor, Director of Advancement, at staylor@dlsanyc.org.
Make a Gift Online: Please click here to make your gift to the 2024-2025 Annual Fund.
Via Phone: Call Mary-Elaine Jenkins, Assistant Director of Advancement and Communications, at (212) 316-5840 ext. 112.
Via mail: Please make checks payable to De La Salle Academy and mail to: Advancement Office, De La Salle Academy 332 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036.
Recurring Gifts: Join the 1984 Society to make a recurring gift to the School on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Recurring gifts sustain the day-to-day operations of DLSA and are essential to the success of our school. There is no minimum or maximum to participate.
Wire Transfer: If you wish to make a gift by wire, please contact Mary-Elaine Jenkins, Assistant Director of Advancement and Communications, at (212) 316-5840 ext. 112.
If you are interested in making a gift of stock, please use the information below and notify Severn Taylor at staylor@dlsanyc.org.
To transfer stock:
Broker - Charles Schwab
DTC Clearing - 0164 Code 40
Account Name - De La Salle Academy
Account Number - 2750-9178
De La Salle Academy Tax ID: 13-3228140
If you and/or your spouse work for a firm that has a matching gift program, please obtain the appropriate gift form from your Human Resources office and return it with your gift to the School or send it to Mary-Elaine Jenkins at mjenkins@dlsanyc.org. Our EIN is 13-3228140.
Life-income opportunities can be explored with us through the use of charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, and other methods of estate planning. Please contact Severn Taylor at staylor@dlsanyc.org.
De La Salle Academy is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization, and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.