Welcome from the
Director of
High School Counseling
Fall 2024
Dear Families/Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome! As the Director of High School Counseling, I am privileged to support and guide our students and their families as they navigate their academic journeys after De La Salle Academy (DLSA).
Our goal is to help all of our students access the bountiful educational opportunities presented to them. DLSA alums are highly sought after by selective secondary schools and prestigious colleges and universities. We are deeply proud to have nurtured nearly 2,000 students over our 40 year history. Our partner high schools and colleges consistently tell us that DLSA graduates are leaders in their communities with strong character and academic preparedness. DLSA alums are known for their compassion, commitment to social justice, and transformative impact on their communities.
We understand that every student is unique, and we provide personalized counseling to support their success. Our approach to transitioning students to high school is comprehensive and tailored to meet each child’s needs. The High School Counseling Department ensures that students are academically and socially prepared for the independent day, boarding, Catholic, and specialized high schools they attend.
We guide families every step of the way as they choose the high school best suited for their child. Our High School Counseling Department provides support and advice to our students and their parents/caregivers through:
Completing admissions applications
Preparing for interviews
Applying for financial aid
Additionally, our faculty write comprehensive student recommendations and provide academic and social-emotional support throughout the process, from applications, to notifications, to decision-making.
At DLSA, we are committed to the well-being and growth of our students. Each child receives the utmost care, support, and respect throughout their time with us. Our alums are always welcome to connect with us for friendship, support, and guidance. As a testament to our commitment to our students' success, we continue our relationship with our alums beyond DLSA graduation, staying connected and supporting them in their college/career plans.
Please reach out if you have any questions or need further information.
In partnership,
Mildred Morency
Director of High School Counseling
(212) 316-5840 ext. 108
Class of 2024 Matriculation
Archbishop Stepinac High School
Avenues: The World School
Bard High School Early College (2)
Bayside High School
Brearley School
Bronx High School of Science (3)
Brooklyn Latin School
Cardinal Spellman High School
Cobble Hill School of American Studies
Colegio Bilingue New Horizons, Santiago
Collegiate School
Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School (2)
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Cristo Rey New York High School (2)
Dominican Academy
Dwight-Englewood School
Episcopal School
Fordham Preparatory High School (4)
Friends Seminary (2)
George School
Grace Church School (2)
Hackley School
Health, Education, & Research Occupations High School
Hotchkiss School
La Guardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts
Loyola School
Long Island Lutheran High School
Notre Dame School (2)
Packer Collegiate School
Paramus Catholic High School
Queens High School for the Sciences
Regis High School (2)
School of the Holy Child
St. Jean Baptiste High School
St. John’s Preparatory School (2)
Staten Island Technical High School
Trinity School
Virginia Episcopal School
Westover School
Xavier High School