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COVID-19 Resources

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), 


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) is a global pandemic virus currently prevalent throughout NYC. This site contains information and resources to help the De La Salle Academy community respond to the financial hardships brought on by the coronavirus.


For additional questions or concerns, please contact Michael Tapscott, Assistant Principal, with any questions and he will put you in contact with our resources volunteer.


Resources cover the following topics (you can click on the topic): â€‹




Emergency relief funds to request from:


The Actors Fund - The Actors Fund provides services and financial support to entertainment professionals facing personal or work-related problems. It is also a conduit for emergency financial assistance in times of pressing need or in response to catastrophic events. Funds are available to union and non-union workers in entertainment and the performing arts. Info to apply for funds


New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Emergency Grants - List of emergency grants resources for artists affected by COVID-19. Info


Artist Relief  - To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States. - more info and apply


Authors League Fund - The Authors League Fund helps professional authors, journalists, poets, and dramatists who find themselves in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income, or other misfortune. - linkfollow on Facebook for more updates


Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund – apply


Bartender Emergency Assistance Program

Eligibility requirements: (1) must be a bartender or the spouse or child of bartender; (2) experience a catastrophic event of emergency hardship that is identifiable; (3) proof of identification; (4) proof of employment; and (5) last paycheck stub. For more information access the application here


Book Industry Charitable Foundation (Binc) Relief Fund - The Binc Foundation is providing financial assistance to booksellers and employees, independent bookstores, and local comic book stores affected by COVID. They have application processes for household help, as well as help for retailers.- info


Children of Restaurants Employees' COVID-19 Relief Fund - general infoapply for funds

CORE is a national nonprofit organization that is dedicated to granting support to food & beverage service employees with children. providing support to food & beverage service employees with children, who have been medically diagnosed with COVID-19 or have someone living within their home who have been diagnosed.


Damayan Emergency fund for Filipinos in NYC - Fund for Filipino domestic worker or trafficked workers. Please contact Riya Ortiz, Damayan Case Manager, at or at (212) 564-6057. Info


Domestic Workers Alliance COVID-19 Relief Fund - If you are a domestic worker, text RELIEF to 97779 to get updates from NDWA, and find out when the Coronavirus Care Fund applications are ready.


Dramatists Guild Foundation - DGF provides emergency financial assistance to individual playwrights, composers, lyricists, and bookwriters in dire need of funds due to severe hardship or unexpected illness. DGF will be processing Emergency Grants based on severity of need, especially as it relates to COVID-19 - link


Financial Solidarity for Formerly Incarcerated People and Their Families Mutual Aid Project - infoapplication form is currently closed (as of 7/24/20) but will open back up if they are able to raise more money


Freelancers’ Relief Fund- offers financial assistance of up to $1,000 per freelance household to cover lost income and essential expenses not covered by government relief programs. Fund is temporarily closed to applications, but find more info and sign up for the union (it’s free) to get updates on when they’d reopen.


Humanity Forward (Andrew Yang’s Foundation) – application form

Delivering one-time, and recurring, basic income payments to individuals and families


Jazz Foundation Musicians Emergency Fund - In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jazz Foundation of America continues to connect with hundreds of jazz and blues musicians to provide compassionate counsel and offer direct financial support - link


La Colmena- Community Job Center Staten Island Immigrant Emergency Fund

For more information visit La Colmena’s contact page.


Laundry Workers Center - Not-for-profit, member-led organization that provides community-based leadership development to improve the living and working conditions of low-wage laundry, warehouse, and food service workers in New York City and New Jersey. Providing one time gift card as long as funds are available.  Email for the application form.


Little Egypt Mutual Aid - Provides undocumented families in Queens with cash aid to get them through this difficult time. [Will resume fundraising soon] - info


Mayer Foundation Economic Relief Grants - Provides grants to individual artists and nonprofits who are distressed or suffering as a result of poverty, low income or lack of financial resources - link


MinKwon Center - Serving, educating, and organizing low-income Korean, Asian, and immigrant communities since 1984. Share the Relief Fund will support undocumented Korean Americans in NYC with direct cash payments, as they are ineligible to receive unemployment, federal stimulus checks, and other government relief due to their status. 

The Flushing Mutual Aid Fund will support low-income and marginalized residents in Flushing with food, medicine, and rent assistance, and will provide stipends to residents who take on roles in coordinating mutual aid and organizing their neighbors for grassroots movement and power. – link for info


Musicians Foundation Emergency Grant Program – Provides professional musician with five or more years of experience performing, teaching, or composing in the United States and earn the majority of their income from any combination of performing, teaching, or composing.

Our new Emergency Grant Program gives all eligible applicants up to $200 to get through a week or two at the beginning of this difficult time. Our request to you is simple – give $200 or $400 to directly assist one or two musicians in need -  apply for help


Nail Techs United fund for nail salon workers- This fund will directly support nail salon workers to meet their needs and the needs of their families - info


One Fair Wage Emergency Fund - Cash assistance for restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more. Apply for help


RAISE Undocu Workers Fund - Supports undocumented workers in the service industry (restaurants) who will not be able to apply for unemployment benefits. Email Eligibility requirements: (1) be undocumented, (2) work in food service industry in Manhattan or Brooklyn, (3) unable to work due to corona-related mandates, (4) have a venmo account or have access to a venmo account through someone you trust. 


Rauschenberg Emergency Grant - The program will provide one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies. The grants are available to visual and media artists and choreographers who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents in the United States, District of Columbia, or U.S. Territories - link


Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund – apply here


Service Workers Coalition - A cash relief network for and by service workers in New York City. Get info on Instagram, or email


NY Street Vendor Emergency Fund - For support contact the Urban Justice Center here or by phone: 646.602.5600 or email:


SUSU Rapid Response support for Black Feminists - SUSU will be dispersing rapid response funds for Black feminists in need of emergency funds in the wake of the COVID-19. –Info and apply here [A new fund will reopen soon]


Sweet Relief Musicians Fund - Emergency fund for musicians and music industry workers affected by COVID-19. Please note: You do not need to be sick to be able eligible for assistance from our COVID-19 Fund. Phone: 888-955-7880 - link to apply


Undocumented people fund by Outlive Them NYC - info; Venmo @cory-tamler; sign up for their contact list for more info


Undocumented Women’s Fund - Provide direct financial assistance to meet the needs of undocumented single headed households in NYC.  - info


Undocumented Youth Fund from New York State Youth Leadership Council - Info


United Sommeliers Foundation - COVID Relief Fund - A fund that can be accessed immediately by restaurant sommeliers in the U.S. whose hours have been cut or jobs have been eliminated due to the COVID-19 crisis - apply for funds; more info on the website


Werc Space - Resources, tools and support to help small businesses owned by women and non-binary people. website.


The Workers Lab Covid Relief Fund – Supporting gig and low-earning contract workers without access to employer-based benefits. Contact to get further information and request funds. 




Emergency relief funds and information related to housing


Eviction-related Information and Resources

  • Searchable database and map allow renters to identify if their home is covered by the CARES Act eviction moratoriums, which lasts through 8/25. Click here.

  • Tenants Rights Hotline by Met Council - 212-979-0611 (ingles y espanol) or more info

  • NYC Tenants' Rights During COVID-19 Emergency - Resource created by some lawyers at Mobilization for Justice (MFJ) NYC - Link

  • Report attempted evictions - Anyone with knowledge of City marshals attempting to execute on warrants of eviction can report this activity by calling DOI’s Bureau of City Marshals at (212) 825-5953.

  • Support for eviction prevention: Bronx WorksCatholic Charities (helps regardless of denomination), Coalition for the Homeless


Covid-19 Hotel Program - If you tested positive for COVID-19 or think you might have it because of your symptoms, it is very important that you do not come in close contact with others, including people you may live with. This is called "self-isolation." You may qualify to self-isolate in a hotel, free of charge, for up to 14 days if you do not have a safe place to self-isolate - link




Emergency relief funds and information related to utilities


Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) - Low-income New Yorkers can apply for heating and cooling assistance under the Home Energy Assistance Program, or HEAP. Apply here


Con Edison - During this incredibly challenging time, we know you’re counting on your power. We are not expecting any interruptions of your service because of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Please know you will not lose your power now because you’re having trouble making payments.

  • Your service will not be shut off for non-payment.

  • Waiving new late-payment fees.

  • Suspending no-access fees if we can’t read your meter.

  • No fees for making payments with credit cards or debit cards.

  • Suspending fees for refusing smart meter installations

  • Most customers can arrange for payment extensions and agreements online through My Account


Cooling Assistance Fund - Financial help to cover the cost and installation of an air conditioner or fan. Apply here


Free WiFi at home:

Comcast - offering Essentials internet service designed for low-income families free for 60 days for new qualifying customers. Visit for more information. Call 1-855-8-INTERNET for set up.


Spectrum - households with K-12 students can get free Spectrum Wifi for 60 days (including free installation for new customers). Call 1-844-488-8395 for set up.


Wifi via smartphone:

Metro PCS, T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T and Comcast are all lifting their unlimited data caps for cell phone subscribers for at least 60 days. Contact your cellphone provider for more information.


MetroPCS will allow you to add a free 10GB of mobile hotspot per month by adding an add on service available in the MyMetro app, MyAccount or by calling Care at 611.


T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile are providing customers an additional 20GB of mobile hotspot/tethering service for the next 60 days coming soon.




Free food options -- see general and by borough below




NYC Meal Hubs - find a free meal location - Any New Yorker who wants one can get three free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city, including vegetarian, kosher, and halal options - contact with questions or concerns


NYC public school students may pick up free grab-and-go breakfast and lunch from 7:30am-1:30pm outside the main entrance to every school building. Students may go to their regular school or the one closest to them.


Plentiful - a free, easy-to-use reservation service for food pantries and the people they serve. Visit their website for food pantry locations or text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to the number 726-879 (PANTRY) from any phone for registration directions in nine languages to pick up a bag of groceries at a pantry within walking distance of your house, no questions asked. (You DO NOT need to download the app to make a reservation) - website


Food Markets - CityHarvest offers free food every other week across NYC. Find a location near you.


Nutrition Kitchen - Food bank run by The New York City Department of Probation. The website lists the latest locations and times of operation. link


Food Bank NYC - Find the help that you need


Food Help NYC - Map


Soup Kitchen and Food Pantries - search by borough


To find out whether you qualify for SNAP (food stamps) - Info


Free Baby Formula - WIC members can have baby formula delivered FREE to all New York City boroughs. Dial 718-405-9111


Free Veggies for Restaurant Workers - Local Roots CSA is giving away free vegetables to restaurant workers that are without work and money right now:


50 NYC Restaurants Giving Back to the Community - Includes restaurants serving free meals and opportunities to donate to restaurants that are feeding hospital workers - link


Grocery and supply delivery; delivery is free by Invisible Hands Delivery - WebsiteTweet




Club A Kitchen - Distributing groceries & hygiene supplies every Wednesday & Saturday at Myrtle-Broadway. Check Instagram for updates. Donate money here. Donate goods: “Starting this Monday, May 4th, and every Monday from 12-2pm we will be taking in donations from anyone who has extra PPE, extra canned food, even extra plastic grocery bags you told yourself you were gonna sort through but just keeps growing every time you look under your sink (see Instagram post for more details)


Restaurant Workers Relief Program -- see posts for info on how laid off restaurant workers can pick up free dinners at Olmsted in Prospect Heights or Gertie – UPDATE: Olmsted is now giving away free meals and supplies to anyone in need (don’t have to be a restaurant worker), 4-7pm, 7 days per week (see Instagram post)


Crown Heights


Free lunch and dinner pickup at The Bergen @ 1299 Bergen St

11:30am - 1:30pm daily lunch, 4:30pm - 6:30pm for dinner. See March 23 FB post and The Bergen’s FB page for menu info and updates. To donate and support this program, venmo @thebergenbk to donate or Cash app: $BU2018.


Coronavirus NYC Food Resource Guide: Crown Heights/Prospect Heights - A resource guide by Hunter College's NYC Food Policy Center about meals for children, meals for seniors, retail food stores and their delivery/benefits policies, local food pantries and soup kitchens, resources for homeless people, resources for immigrant populations and resources for people with disabilities - link


Weekly food distribution sites for Crown Heights - see Instagram post or Facebook post from Assembly member Diana Richardson for list and potential updates, different locations available on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Contact AM Richardson’s office for updates M-F 10am-6pm at (718) 771-3105 or by emailing




Free meals at Avant Garden (East Village) - Free hot, healthy, plant-based meals for anyone in need at Avant Garden at 130 E 7th St. Wednesday - Sunday 4-9pm - website - call: 646-922-7948 




Jackson Heights New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) - offering groceries and cooked meals daily outside 71-29 Roosevelt Avenue - website


Long Island City Relief COVID-19 Response Group - Food collection and distribution, weekday grab and go meal distribution daily between 12:00pm - 2:00 pm (link for participating restaurants), and resource and volunteer mobilization (link)


Queens Queens Together is working to keep Queens restaurants in business and deliver/bring prepared food to food insecure and immigrant communities - facebook - instagram - link - email: Jonathan Forgash co-founder - phone: 917-626-8960





Call 311 with any medical questions.


To find out whether you can qualify for Medicaid or other free and low cost health insurance.


Health Care and Health Insurance

Resources for obtaining testing and medical care for COVID-19 and for helping New Yorkers who have lost their health care insurance due to job layoffs or other circumstances.






COVID-19 and Healthcare

The NYC Department of Health has provided a factsheet detailing essential information about COVID-19, how it is spread, who is at greatest risk, and steps to take if you develop symptoms.


A New York State factsheet offers information about symptoms and prevention, testing, access to healthcare providers, the latest advisories, and your rights concerning health coverage.


Getting Tested for COVID-19 and Antibodies

All New Yorkers are eligible for free COVID-19 testing, regardless of whether symptoms are present. You do not need health insurance to get a test and you will not be asked about your immigration status. You can also get an antibody test, which can indicate whether you have been infected with the coronavirus. (Questions have been raised about the accuracy of antibody tests; also, it is not clear if having COVID-19  confers immunity from re-infection.)


There are now hundreds of testing sites across New York City. Criteria for who can be tested and the location and availability of testing sites change frequently. Before you go to a testing site, call ahead to confirm details about test criteria and availability as well as the hours.


To find a COVID-19 test center, click here.  


Free walk-in testing is available at New York City Health and Hospitals.  (link) You can also find a COVID testing site by phoning 311 or by sending a text on a cell phone (text “COVID TEST” to 855-48).


For information on antibody testing and where to obtain a test, click here


Getting Help from a Doctor

People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe. If any symptoms you develop cause you concern, or if you are over age 50, pregnant, or have an underlying health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or lung disease, contact your primary care doctor or family physician. Your doctor’s office should be able to advise you about whether you should be tested and where to go for testing, as well as other steps you should take for your well-being and your family’s.


If you don’t have a regular physician, but would like to consult with a medical practitioner about COVID-related issues, you can find a provider at NYC Health + Hospitals facilities (which include urgent care clinics) by calling 1-844-692-4692 or by clicking here.  The NYC Health + Hospitals system accepts various health insurance plans and offers financial assistance programs for patients without sufficient coverage.


If you don’t have health insurance, there are a number of free or reduced-cost clinics in New York City where you can consult with a practitioner. Here is a listing of such clinics from NeedyMeds, a nonprofit that helps patients reduce medical costs. (The list contains clinics throughout New York State, listed in alphabetical order by town or borough.)


If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911. Any person with a medical emergency has the right to call an ambulance and receive care in an emergency room, regardless of immigration status. Only go to a hospital emergency room if your symptoms are severe or disabling: for example, if you have trouble breathing; difficulty speaking; chest pain; seizure; any sudden and severe pain.


You can obtain mental health support that is free and confidential through the NYC WELL confidential helpline: 888-692-9355. You can also text “WELL” to 651-73 or chat online. 


An Emotional Support Hotline is available for residents of NY state dealing with COVID-related stress or anxiety. Call 1-844-863-9314 between 8 AM and 10 PM daily to schedule a free appointment with a mental health professional.


Covering Your Care: Health Insurance

Many New Yorkers who have lost jobs — or left jobs — because of the pandemic have also lost their health insurance. If you have recently lost employer health coverage, you may be offered a continuation of your coverage — called COBRA — by your former employer. Alternatively, you can apply for health coverage with the New York State of Health.


Coverage through COBRA

COBRA extends the insurance policy you have at work for you and your family for 18 to 36 months. The employer must provide you with a notice that COBRA is available, and you then have 60 days to decide whether to continue coverage through COBRA. While the coverage benefits remain the same, your monthly premium under COBRA is generally much more expensive than what you paid as an active employee, since the employer is no longer contributing to the cost of your insurance.


Coverage through NYSOH (New York State of Health)

Through the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), New York state offers health care plans in a “marketplace” that allows you to compare the benefits and costs of different plans. A marketplace plan will generally cost less than a COBRA plan offering comparable benefits. To use NYSOH, you must reside in New York state. Most immigrants who are NY residents can purchase marketplace plans. When you apply, NYSOH will consider a number of factors, including your monthly income and household size, to determine the plans you are eligible for, which for low-income families may include free or low-cost coverage from Medicaid or Child Health Plus (joint federal and state programs).


How to Enroll Directly with NYSOH

NYSOH uses a single application to determine which plans you are eligible for and what type of financial assistance is available.

You can enroll:

• online at the NYSOH website

• by phone at 855-355-5777.

• with the help of an assistor.  Assistors – who include certified counselors, enrollers, and navigators – can help you apply for health insurance, understand coverage options, and enroll in an appropriate plan. To connect with an assistor, click here.


Other Sources of Help

Trying to figure out health insurance options can be confusing. These three nonprofit organizations can help with health insurance and other coverage issues.


Community Health Advocates (CHA)

CHA can provide one-on-one assistance to counsel you about health insurance and, if appropriate, connect you with a navigator to assist you in enrolling in a NYSOH marketplace plan. CHA can also help if you have been denied medical services or have received a medical bill that you don’t understand or want to challenge. Call the CHA helpline on weekdays from 9 AM to 4 PM at 888-641-5400. You can also send an email to


Public Health Solutions (PHS)

PHS works with government agencies, nonprofits, and community health centers to connect you with essential health services. Multi-lingual enrollment assistors in each borough will answer questions about health coverage and can walk you through the sign-up process. For general inquiries about enrolling, call 1-800-344-4306.


Information in the areas of family health, pregnancy support, and sexual and reproductive health (including HIV and AIDS) is available on the PHS website.


PHS also assists low-income New Yorkers who are 65 or older, blind, or living with a disability to apply for Medicaid and the Medicare Savings program (which helps cover Medicare costs) or renew existing Medicaid coverage. Call 646-619-6759. (You can also get free in-person assistance by calling the NY City Human Resources Administration at 347-396-4705.)


The Medicare Rights Center

New Yorkers age 65 are eligible to apply for Medicare. You can go to Medicare’s website or call 1-800-633-4227 for information and to enroll. If you want further guidance and assistance, you can contact the nonprofit Medicare Rights Center  (phone: 800-333-4114).

(Note: Obtaining health care services and insurance can be especially confusing for immigrants. This special guide identifies, in easy-to-read charts, immigration status requirements for the many coverage and health care services available to New Yorkers.)





Regional Enrichment Centers - Places where the children of front-line workers can be safely cared for while their parents continue to serve the city in this time of need. - Info


Free Baby Formula - WIC members can have baby formula delivered FREE to all New York City boroughs. Dial 718-405-9111




Pet Resources - Check the front page of the Animal Care Centers of NYC website for information on resources you may need to get help for your pet - link


NYC COVID-19 Pet Hotline - information, planning, referral and service coordination hub for NYC residents who need support for their pets during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pet Hotline operators can be reached directly at 877-204-8821, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST daily - link





Covid-19 Tech Support - Covid Tech Support is a helpdesk for tech support queries backed by Code 4 COVID (a community of over 800 volunteer technologists with backgrounds working at companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft) for those helping to tackle the COVID crisis. We're helping communities set up their IT systems, COVID projects access technical volunteering talent and charities address their digital needs.  - link - twitter - email:





PPE to NYC - If you're an NYC physician or resident in need of PPE, text 917-300-9466 with: your name, your role, the department you need PPE for, your location/affiliated hospital, what specific PPE items are needed - website


Mask Match - Request masks for healthcare workers - website - twitter - facebook - instagram





Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs - DACA recipients in NYC can call to get help with their renewal fee: 1-800-354-0365





Mutual Aid and Other Resources by Borough/County

[Verification to be completed]


NYC Mutual Aid - General

Mutual aid organizations facilitate exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit. Browse through the rest of our document’s categories for more mutual aid groups and opportunities based on borough.


C-19 Help Squad- Get Help


Community Care NYC - NYC-wide mutual aid project where you can request or give help for things like delivering groceries, prescriptions, etc. Request help at the form or call 661-381-1206. You can also fill out the “request help” form if you are an organizer looking for volunteers to help with mutual aid projects.


Couriers and delivery - Corona Couriers - A collective of cyclists willing to courier supplies to people in need for free, using low contact methods. Email to request supplies or volunteer


NYC Mutual Aid Network - and Formalized Volunteer Webform


Evangel Christian Center - Food Pantry - Food pantry reports that they have substantial food in excess of neighborhood needs, but don't have a means to transport it; they would like to get word out to volunteers who may want to pick up and distribute food. Located in Long Island City but would like to help distribute food elsewhere - website - Open 9-12 Saturday and during the week; call Andrew 917-213-5452


The End Is Queer: NYC Mutual Aid - Facebook Group / Discord (discord preferred) - City wide queer centered mutual aid


Make the Road New York - Direct support and advocacy for NY's most vulnerable community members, including undocumented folks, sex workers, and others. In addition to the advocacy work Make the Road does all the time, they have stepped up services during the covid crisis, including delivering groceries to homebound and vulnerable neighbors via a "Bicycle Brigade." They're set up a COVID emergency response fund here: donate to the emergency response fund - facebook - twitter - contact


NYC Veterans’ Alliance - We are a NYC-based grassroots nonprofit welcoming queries from veterans, military members, and their families in the Metro area. Helping with immediate needs and connecting veterans and their families with unique benefits and resources available to them - website with mutual aid request formFacebook page - email:  


Transportation Alternatives #BikeMatch program - connecting New Yorkers who have an extra bicycle to those who need one. We match people based on neighborhood and size, and then they coordinate to meet up and exchange the bike - link - email


West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing (WSFSSH) - a nonprofit that provides affordable housing and supportive services to low-income older adults and persons with special needs. We serve over 2,200 individuals living in 28 buildings across the Upper West Side, Harlem, Chelsea, and the Bronx. The majority of our residents are isolated in their apartments and are unable to go out to secure necessary food, medication, and supplies. Our front line staff is working tirelessly to support our residents, but we need volunteers and donations. Volunteers will run errands and package/deliver meals and care packages for residents. This will NOT require any face-to-face contact with residents. Donations of PPE, cleaning supplies, household products, personal care products, shelf-stable food, individually wrapped snacks, craft/hobby supplies, etc. will be distributed to each residential building. Please complete the following Google form to volunteer or donate - google form - website - email:


Razom for Ukraine: Quarantine Care Packages for NYC Ukrainian Community - Do you know someone in the NYC Ukrainian community who is quarantined at home and needs a bit of help and cheering up? Razom volunteers will deliver a care package with a meal from a Ukrainian business in the area - instagram - care package request form


SOS (System of Support) - nationwide website connecting people who post needs with people in their neighborhood - link




Assistance for Services and/or Items Needed in Northeast Bronx - Request form launched by District Leader Marjorie Velazquez - request form - If you'd like to lend a helping hand feel free to sign up at this link ( and let us know what ways you can contribute!


COVID-19: The Bronx - Facebook group for connecting Bronx neighbors - link




All Brooklyn - Coronavirus Neighborhood Help sign-up/request form


All Brooklyn - Brooklyn Mutual Aid Network (FAM) - Google DocumentTweet


All Brooklyn - service workers coalition grocery delivery and other- Infovolunteer formdonate (ioby)


Bed-Stuy Strong -, 917-451-5522


Boerum Hill/Downtown BK Neighborhood services and support - Survey sign up


Brooklyn Donates - Resource page for donating to/supporting local businesses in Ditmas Park / Midwood / Kensington. Main Link/Instagram


#BrooklynShowsLove - Fund and organizing project to get groceries to people. Find contact info and how to donate here. They have resources in Bangla, French, Kreyol, Mandarin, Spanish. Organized by Equality for Flatbush (E4F) and The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network (BAN).


Bushwick Mutual Aid - Coronavirus - Facebook Volunteers - , Request Assistance -

Carroll Gardens Mutual Aid - Coronavirus - Facebook Group


Central and North Brooklyn by Brooklyn Mutual Aid - volunteer sign up and onboarding


Clinton Hill/Fort Greene Mutual Aid - Sign up for our email newsletter to receive regular weekly updates on community needs as well as urgent community needs as they arise - Aid request intake: - Volunteer sign up: - Slack invite: - phone: 862-277-0747 email:


Crown Heights Mutual Aid - Facebook Groupvolunteer form, visit to join the Slack


Ditmas Park/Flatbush/Prospect Park South Coronavirus Neighborhood Help - Google form

Fort Greene - link


Kensington Group for Mutual Aid (Coronavirus) - Facebook Group

North Brooklyn Mutual Aid Sheet


Help Prospect Heights - A directory of local businesses and how to help them or order from them. Main Link.


Prospect Lefferts Gardens - Prospect-Lefferts Gardens Neighbors Facebook Group - Google Spreadsheet for volunteers & at risk people

Prospect Heights  - Prospect Heights West Neighborhood Support & Preparedness - Facebook Group


Prospect Heights Virtual Tip Jar - Send "tips" directly to service workers at Prospect Heights businesses in Brooklyn. Main Link/Add your name to the tip jar!


Prospect Heights Small Business Relief Fund - A solidarity fund to support small business owners and workers in our immediate neighborhood. Contact: phsmallbusiness@gmail.comMain Link/GoFundMe/Instagram

Red Hook Coronavirus Community Cooperative Committee - Google Form


South Brooklyn Community - COVID-19 Neighborhood Volunteers - Google Spreadsheet [5/11/20: South Brooklyn Community Mutual Aid has a website where you can sign up to volunteer, request help, or donate]


West Brooklyn Waterfront Mutual Aid - COVID19 Mutual Aid Organizing (Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Columbia Waterfront, Williamsburg) Project - Volunteer form, text (929) 314 0899 or email


City Councilmember Brad Lander - Do you want to find a way to help support neighbors? Share your ideas and we'll follow up with ways to organize together digitally.




East Village Neighbors - Facebook, 917-994-1074


East Village COVID-19 Relief - Mutual aid website with resources - website - twitter - instagram


What’s Open East Village - Directory of businesses still open in EV - link


Harlem United Against Coronavirus - Facebook Group - Google Spreadsheet


Manhattan Mutual Aid Network (FAM) x Community Care - volunteer form - request help


Manhattan Community Against COVID-19 - youth-led organization that will deliver groceries and run errands, no matter how small - instagram - to schedule a service, contact Gabby Cohen at 917-789-3444 or email - to become a volunteer, fill out this form


Morningside Heights - Upper Morningside Mutual Aid - website - request form - email: - phone: (518) 723-0154


UWS: Stephen Wise Towers & NYCHA organizing - Google form or contact or call/text 929.277.9203


Upper East Side, Upper West Side, and Harlem Not Me, UeS - grocery/goods delivery, pet services, phone check ins, etc. - link


Upper West Side, Morningside Heights, West Harlem - A brand-new miniature Sunrise hub for the region north of West Midtown and south of Washington Heights, focused at the moment on mutual aid - join [5/17/20: link no longer active]



Queens DSA Mutual Aid Network - Volunteer form. If you are seeking aid/help:

- you can submit your request to

- you can call or text 347-201-0615

- you can email


Queens Together is working to keep Queens restaurants in business and deliver/bring prepared food to food insecure and immigrant communities. website - facebook - instagram - Contact by phone or email here. Sign up to volunteer or donate


Astoria Mutual Aid Network - If you have a non-emergency need (i.e not a 911 need) and are based in Astoria, NY, please call or text 646-397-8383 or fill out this form and they will get you help. Volunteer Form for anyone who can help. website - Facebook - Instagram


Flushing Emergency Food Distribution - The Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce is working with local pantry La Jornada to organize volunteers to deliver food to homebound individuals. If you know any senior citizens and sick neighbors in our community who are homebound and need help, please fill out their contact info via this online form - If you would like to volunteer or donate, please fill out this online form (we need people with cars or bicycles who deliver food) - If you would like to contribute money to help La Jornada purchase fresh fruits and vegetables for distribution and N95 face masks for volunteers, donate here  


Forest Hills Community Against COVID-19 - youth-led organization that will deliver groceries and run errands, no matter how small - instagram - to schedule a service, contact Lina Khamze at 917-792-9632 or Sascha Pearlstein at 917-544-1542 - to become a volunteer, fill out this form


Jackson Heights - New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) - offering groceries and cooked meals with community partners; get updates on Twitter - Facebook website. Contact or 718-205-1687. Sign up to volunteer in a variety of ways from food delivery to English workshops.


COVID Care Neighbor Network (Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst, Woodside) - facebook group. Call (260) 351-1372 or email If you want to give help or receive help fill out this form. If you want to donate.


Mutual Aid Resource Guide for the Jackson Heights and Woodside communities - created by Senator Jessica Ramos' office - link


Long Island City Relief COVID-19 Response Group - Food collection and distribution, weekday grab and go meal distribution daily between 12:00pm - 2:00 pm (link for participating restaurants), and resource and volunteer mobilization (link); Facebook group


Ridgewood Mutual Aid Network (Ridgewood Tenants Union) - 5/17/20: new link for volunteer form - mutual aid fund


Rockaway Mutual Aid and Support Group - Facebook Group


Sunnyside / Woodside Mutual Aid Network - they cover errands, grocery shopping, transport and more! - facebook group - twitter - email: - phone: 973-709-5975


Woodside / Sunnyside Community Covid-19 Relief - they cover delivering meals and food pantries - facebook group - if you're interested in volunteering contact Eugenie Woo at and for all other matters, email


Woodside/Elmhurst - Bayanihan Woodside/Elmhurst - Community Response to COVID-19 - We are Filipinos / Fil-Ams in Woodside and Elmhurst Queens, NY & surrounding neighborhoods sharing local resources during the Coronavirus crisis. We also are creating this space to offer mutual/community support in the neighborhood, for any immunocompromised or elderly people who may need groceries, pharmacy pick ups, or other errands done at this time. This is organized by the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) Northeast - Join Group



Staten Island


Staten Island COVID-19 Volunteers - Google Form


Staten Island COVID19 Resource Network - facebook group - community resource map - google doc with resources


Staten Island Mutual Aid Network (FAM) x Community Care - volunteer form - request help


Hand-Sewn Cloth Masks by "Mujeres Liderando" (Women Leading the Way) - Staten Island based mask sales (3 for $15), organizing through a community organization working with immigrant women who lost regular employment due to COVID - info - order form


Long Island


Cooperation Long Island - Mutual aid resource hub for Long Island with local resource library of fellow Long Islanders and organizations offering help - website - twitter - facebook - instagram - request help/view resource library


Nassau County DSA Covid-19 Mutual Aid - Google Form


Suffolk and Nassau County Umbrella - volunteer-based grocery delivery and medication pick up for seniors in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Interested seniors can call us at 516-882-4498 to place an order - request delivery - volunteer form


Nassau County Community Against COVID-19 - youth-led organization that will deliver groceries and run errands, no matter how small - instagram - to schedule a service, contact Rachel Dorfman at 516-510-7943 or Lauren Horn at 516-509-2274 - to become a volunteer, fill out this form


Southampton Community Against COVID-19 - youth-led organization that will deliver groceries and run errands, no matter how small - instagram - to schedule a service, contact Ellie Witlieb at 917-301-2027 or Michelle Witlieb at 310-709-5239 - to become a volunteer, fill out this form

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